Fun Facts About Gnus and Shrews

  • Wildebeest is an Afrikaans name that means "wild beast." Gnu is a derivation of the name used by native Africans. The names “gnu” and “wildebeest” are used interchangeably.

  • Gnu babies can stand up and run 4 minutes after birth.

  • Gnus migrate in a circular pattern. They migrate to follow the rains and fresh grasses. 1.2 million gnus join other animals for this migration.

  • Gnus sleep in rows on the ground, taking turns standing guard for predators.

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  • A shrew’s heart beats more than 1000 times per minute. For comparison, human hearts beat 60-100/minute

  • Some species of shrews are venomous, like snakes.

  • Some species of shrews can echolocate, like bats.

  • Shrews eat more than their weight in food every day. They can’t survive more than a few hours without eating, so they’re active day and night.

  • The lifespan of a shrew is 12-30 months.

  • The Etruscan Shrew is the smallest living terrestrial mammal.